Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Auditory-Language Processing Dysfunction:


__ unable to locate the source of a sound 
__ difficulty identifying people's voices 
__ difficulty discriminating between sounds/words; i.e., "dare" and "dear"
__ difficulty filtering out other sounds while trying to pay attention to one person talking 
__ bothered by loud, sudden, metallic, or high-pitched sounds 
__ difficulty attending to, understanding, and remembering what is said or read; often asks for directions to be repeated and may only be able to understand or follow two sequential directions at a time 
__ looks at others to/for reassurance before answering 
__ difficulty putting ideas into words (written or verbal) 
__ often talks out of turn or "off topic" 
__ if not understood, has difficulty re-phrasing; may get frustrated, angry, and give up 
__ difficulty reading, especially out loud (may also be dyslexic) 
__ difficulty articulating and speaking clearly 
__ ability to speak often improves after intense movement 

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