Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Signs Of Oral Input Dysfunction:

1. Hypersensitivity To Oral Input (Oral Defensiveness):

__ picky eater, often with extreme food preferences; i.e., limited repertoire of foods, picky about brands, resistive to trying new foods or restaurants, and may not eat at other people's houses) 
__ may only eat "soft" or pureed foods past 24 months of age 
__ may gag with textured foods 
__ has difficulty with sucking, chewing, and swallowing; may choke or have a fear of choking 
__ resists/refuses/extremely fearful of going to the dentist or having dental work done 
__ may only eat hot or cold foods 
__ refuses to lick envelopes, stamps, or stickers because of their taste 
__ dislikes or complains about toothpaste and mouthwash 
__ avoids seasoned, spicy, sweet, sour or salty foods; prefers bland foods

2. Hyposensitivity To Oral Input (Under-Registers)

__ may lick, taste, or chew on inedible objects 
__ prefers foods with intense flavor; i.e., excessively spicy, sweet, sour, or salty 
__ excessive drooling past the teething stage 
__ frequently chews on hair, shirt, or fingers 
__ constantly putting objects in mouth past the toddler years 
__ acts as if all foods taste the same 
__ can never get enough condiments or seasonings on his/her food 
__ loves vibrating toothbrushes and even trips to the dentist 

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